Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today we went in for our 16th week doctors appointment. After we went back into the room we asked the nurse if we were going to get an ultrasound today. She said, "No". We were so upset of the thought of having to wait another 3 weeks before we could find out the sex. So, after Dr. Glander came into the room Charlie begged her for an ultrasound. She went and checked the schedule and said she could fit us in. Yay! We were going to find out today!

It didn't take Charlie long to realize what he was looking at on the screen...everything he has ever wanted (and me too of course)...A Little Baby Boy! We are so excited and can't wait to start planning for a Boy! WOW! I cry just thinking about the excitment and joy we are going to have raising our baby. A little boy for Charlie to play catch with and coach little league and of course he will be a mama's boy. :) We love him already and can't wait to meet him on March 18th.

He measured 6" long and weighs 5 oz.